The new Minister of Justice Charalambos Athanasiou will introduce a new bill in order to overcome the practice of indefinitely extending a temporary contract through court orders, by fast-tracking the dismissal procedure.
According to “Ta Nea” there are about 5,000 contracted employees who have managed to overextend their employment with such temporary court orders. The Ministry needs to tackle the problem, as part of its reform program.
Mr. Athanasiou spoke to Vima 99.5 to explain that he does not intend to band temporary judicial protection, but rather to safeguard against abuse of the measure. The Minister later stated that the purpose is to fast-track the decision-making, which is one of the judicial system’s greatest problems.
The previous Ministers of Administrative Reform and Justice, Manitakis and Roupakiotis respectively, argued intently over the issue of the temporary court orders. Ultimately Mr. Manitakis’ proposal for a band was withdrawn after Mr. Roupakiotis outright refused to sign it.