The Patriarch of Moscow Cyril, who has been in Athens since Saturday, will be visiting the Presidential and Maximou Halls to meet with the President of Democracy Karolos Papoulias and Prime Minister Antonis Samaras respectively. Later in the day, the Patriarch will visit Thessaloniki and Mount Athos.

On Sunday Patriarch Cyril and Archbishop of Athens Ieronymos both presided over the Sunday mass at the church of Agios Panteleimonas, sending out a message of unity. Archbishop Ieronymos explained that “we are tied by common historical memories and common struggles and we are also bound by the sacramental life and common witness in the fulfillment of our mission in the modern world”.

The Russian Patriarch noted that “the people of many countries with a long history of Christianity are facing a serious cultural challenge; to live or not with God, to accept lifting all moral restraints or use as a guide the responsibility of actions and words as handed down by God, of the established laws and direction of life”.