
The Ministry of Finances will host today the committee that will plan a ten-year road map for the Greek economy. The government is prioritizing the ten-year plan, the implementation of troika agreements and the establishment of a tax bill.

Regarding the ten-year development plan, Ministers of Finances G. Stournaras and Ch. Staikouras and Minister of Growth K. Hatzidakis will cooperate with members of the Foundation for Economic and Industrial Research (IOVE) and the Centre for Planning and Economic Research (KEPE).

IOVE and KEPE will determine the sectors that could greatly contribute towards the development of the Greek economy, so that a significant part of 2014-2020 NSRF funds be diverted towards them.

The new ten-year plan for the Greek economy differs to previous plans in that it includes detailed steps with specific references and remarks, and an assessment of expected revenue and risk of failure.